Friday, April 26, 2013

Defeating Darkness

Although we complain about the world getting worse every time a violent act happens, it is actually a better place than it has ever been.

Let me explain.

Tina Glasneck
If we look back throughout history, we’d see that we have climbed our way up the food chain, from being hunted by other animals to now being the hunter.  We are more prosperous than ye before, having food supplies that feed most of our species; a multitude of resources and less wars and famine than we’ve seen in hundreds of years.  Sure, we have a long way to go until we reach a world filled with peace; however, what can’t be forgotten is that the acts of few should not define the human race. Instead, we must press onward to fulfill the greatest challenge, to live peacefully with one another in harmony, regardless of religion, gender, sexuality, creed, skin color or even dialect. Just because one might find it strange or odd, does not make it inherently wrong.

This is not to say that the tragedies we face are not heart-breaking and atrocious; nor is it to say that recent transgressions, which have transpired, are not acts of terror. What I am focusing on is the state of mankind. The acts of a few should not define the masses. When we start to believe such propaganda, what we’ve decided to do is consume the fear that is shoved our way. We’ve allowed ourselves to accept xenophobia as a way of life, instead of a prejudice, which should be shunned.

I’ve traveled a lot, and visited places where black people have never been seen, and other places where Americans were not truly wanted; I’ve been the stranger in foreign lands, and witnessed how the different cultures engage – in some countries, I’ve noticed nothing more than open hostility, and in other places, it was as if a pink dancing elephant was in the room, but no one wished to say anything about it. I’ve seen what it’s like to be “unwelcomed” because of my skin color, because of my religious persuasion and even because of my gender.

From those experiences, I learned a valuable lesson. Regardless of how the world treats me, I will continue to be me. I will continue to laugh in the face of challenges; continue to brush off ridiculous accusations – because what I eat doesn’t make someone else defecate. I will not try to be different, but be the person that I’ve always been.

How does this apply to you? Simple. You have the power each day to walk in positivity or in negativity; if you are consumed by hatred, it festers leaving no room for love, peace or harmony. You are the walking dead, a zombie in your own right. Instead, take the needed time to determine the root of your issues, and deal with them. There are no excuses in life. And despite morality being shades of gray, it is still up to you to determine how dark your shade is.

In closing, just on a personal note to provide a little more insight into my all encompassing and emphatic personality, when I was younger, I often considered suicide; I considered how it would be to end it all, to stop the pain of not fitting in. You see, hate, no matter its intentions can bog one down, and make them then turn on themselves. Bullying has existed forever, and during my time, all I wanted was for the pain to stop.

Just like a serial killer, I contemplated on the many ways I could end It all. I went through the phases, getting even so close to when the knife was in my hand and pressed against my wrist. 

Then I paused.

I paused because of the divine hand on me, and the thoughts and knowledge that I had so much more to become, to transform into. Maybe that is why I write what I do, because it is cathartic for me, but I still remember the reasons that I continue to breathe.

With each day’s passing, I give thanks for the person I’ve become, although filled with shortcomings, I’d like to think that I am no longer a part of the problem, but one that will always lend a helping hand, give a welcoming smile and provide the downtrodden with strength. Because, in it all, I never forget that I was one of them.

For the pain and lack of understanding, the prejudice and the persecution has made me change. Life has made me realize that beauty is not always seen, and when we hate God’s creation, then we in fact hate the creator.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - Martin Luther King, Jr. 


UPCOMING EVENT: If  you are in the Richmond Area, please stop by the Mother's Day Book Signing and Reading event to be held at Regency Square Mall on May 11th from 10-4. For more information about this wonderful event, please visit the

Thou Shall Not hi rez
I write mayhem, murder, mystery and suspense with a little romance, creating characters that are morally gray. If you’ve enjoyed the above, please check out my recently re-released novel, THOU SHALL NOT. I’m branding it for the great series it is, and it is now available in several formats, including .modi and epub at Smashwords. Check out my book page to sample or purchase Thou Shall Not:

Tina Glasneck’s Smashwords Author Profile:
THOU SHALL NOT is ON SALE at Amazon for $0.99
Download your sample today!


  1. Thank you for reminding us to cherish our universal uniqueness, Tina, and to remember that each of us is a child of God. I'm so sorry you had to endure those painful experiences, and so glad that you've come out the other side as the strong and loving woman you are today. I'm blessed with your friendship.

    1. Thanks Leah It is never easy to pour out one's soul, but I am grateful for my struggles, and my triumphs. They have helped to shape and mold me into the person I have become. Without them, I would not be the person I am. I believe that we understand darkness the more we appreciate the light. :)

  2. Hi, Tina! I'm so very sorry I didn't get a chance to read this wonderful post before now. Thank you for reminding us of what is good and right about our world, but more importantly, for pointing out that dealing with what is wrong begins with our reaction/understanding of same. I am so sorry to hear of your personal struggles, but applaud you for persevering and thereby providing us all with an excellent example of personal fortitude and transcendence. Well done and Bright Blessings.

    1. Thanks Denise. How does the saying go? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger (or is that Kelly Clarkson's song), but I believe that we all have the power to make a powerful change in the world we live in; and it usually starts with ourselves.

  3. A powerful post, Tina. I'm sorry I didn't get to it before now, and I echo everyone else's comments.
