Friday, December 14, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

Happy Holidays

The holiday season has begun and regardless of which holiday you celebrate, I hope that you will join me in perpetuating acts of kindness.
                When the night is the darkest, it is great to encounter moments of light. This month, I, like many others, have pledged to engage in Random Acts of Kindness (RAC). This is not just because it is the holiday season, but also because it is something to increases our humanity.  These acts are not necessarily financial; our existence is not only in regards to our physical state, but also our emotional and psychological health. That being said, a smile, a small chat, or even a little courtesy can give someone the strength to keep going during these stressful times.
 It used to be that we engaged with each other with courtesy and kindness, but the darker and colder it gets, the more you’ll find people hurrying and not necessarily seeing the individuals around them that need a smile.
And though, whatever they are going through is no excuse for rudeness, their actions do not need to cause your explosive reaction. Instead, engage with them in kindness, seeing them for the people that they are.  It is when we truly see behind all the garbs and glimmer and, notice the people behind the sparkles, that we come to understand what it means to be human and a part of this global community.
The saying goes that we all live in glass houses. You never know what that person in front of you in line is experiencing or even about the tumultuous day the driver that just cut you off had. You don’t know their stories and they don’t know yours.
                So this weekend, while you’re out and about - maybe even checking out the “Celebrate with a Book” Author Book Fair in Richmond – remember to be kind. It is not only about the humanity of others, but also your own.  
                Until next time, be kind to one another, and may your holiday season be merry and bright!


About Tina: I am the author of THOU SHALL NOT. I love creating three dimensional characters and am always looking for new people to kill…in my stories.
Check out my author's  blog at and my book is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can also connect with me on Facebook and on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. So true, Tina. You never know why that driver next to you is rushing, or why a cashier might not give you the biggest smile. It never hurts to give the benefit of the doubt.
